At one stage we all had DREAMS for example: when we were younger some of us had DREAMS of being a teacher, doctor, lawyer, etc.. Then society/reality came along and told us we can't (honestly I don't know why) sometimes parents can be the biggest DREAM killers!

For some people dreaming only happens at night when they asleep for others DREAMING is part of their daily lifestyles- whatever your DREAMS you CAN achieve! So what are DREAMS? According to Wikipedia DREAMS are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur usually involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The scientific study of DREAMS is called ONEIROLOGY. I disagree because DREAMING doesn't necessarily have to end when you wake up, what I'm trying to say is that at night when you asleep you must enjoy your DREAMS and when you wake up you need to HUSTLE & GRIND to chase your DREAMS and turn them into reality. So for my DREAMERS, keep on DREAMING ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!

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