The Problems And Solutions To A Messed Up Generation

Firstly we have to identify the problems that the  upcoming generations are facing. I feel like we are being programmed by the system (society), by programming I mean we don’t have free will, we are living the way they want us to live thanks to marketing, trends AND NOW COVID-19 (THE LOCKDOWN) . I’m going to break the whole cycle up into four main pieces, firstly I’m going to start with programming and how we are being controlled, secondly I’m going to touch on Depression, Anxiety & Drug Abuse then I’m going to expose the truth about parents, success, media & slavery and I’ll end up with the solutions on how we can change the mind-sets of the youth & upcoming generation 


  1. Programming
  2. Depression, Anxiety & Drug Abuse
  3. The Truth about Parents, Success, Media & Slavery
  4. The Solutions



Before we find solutions or implement solutions we got to understand what programming is and how we being controlled and the reasons why we fall victim to the system.

We live in a generation where everything is linked to screens, everyone is plugged in, everyone want to be internet famous or wants to imitate a certain lifestyle they see on the internet or television, even the word “Television” explains itself. We are being told what to see, in other words what to ‘IN VISION” the youth lose their visions and dreams because we too focused on the “television”, even in the Bible it says “A Man With NO VISION Shall PERISH”. The reason we fall victim is because we don’t have people that can guide us or help us! Everyone is too focused on money and power. There is no program on the television that teaches us to train our minds or how to become one with ourselves (meditating), it’s mostly dramas or reality shows where they show us their flashy lifestyles.


Everything that happens around us first starts in our minds. The moment we feel weak in the mind then our lives automatically falls victim. The oppressors oppresses our minds then they say we are “DEPRESSED”. It all begins and ends in your mind, what you give power to, has power over you, if you allow it too. The system already programmed us to think that depression and anxiety is real, that’s only an excuse that leads to drug abuse. The moment we implement and promote positivity the less depressed people will become and if less people is depressed then no one will abuse drugs. The head pastor of CRC Ps At Boshoff once mentioned in a sermon titled Bitter 2 Sweet that “We will not crawl into a hole and quit on life! Get your eyes off the trauma! Get your eyes off yourself! Get your eyes onto Jesus!” then all our bitter will turn into sweet. Earl Nightingale said “Human beings can alter their very lives by simply altering their ATTITUDE” with that being said the moment we fix our mind-sets is the moment all the negativity such as depression, anxiety & drug abuse will exit our lives. 


SLAVERY IS A CHOICE, we have a choice on how we want to live and on how the outcome of our lives can be. Parent is one of the main reasons kids get “depressed” and commit suicide they want to control the way their children think and the way they live their lives, where in reality parents don’t really raise their children. For example the kid wake up at 6 am goes to school around  7 o’clock come home around 3 or 4 do their homework go play with their friends until 7 o’clock the parents prepare food 8:30 the kid go to sleep and repeat the same pattern for 5 days of the week. The parent sees their children for about 5-6 hours a week and in that time frame the parents fight & argue with their children. It’s not like our parents want to do that but they systematically forced because they have to work to pay bills but it’s so sad that they can’t even pay attention to their own creations and that’s what we call success work continuously to buy something that’s going to be out of fashion 2 years later and again that's where the media comes in again we want to live like on TV but we don’t see that we being trapped by the system. Social media got us comparing our lives, instead of us being thankful for who and what we are… 


The Solutions to everything mentioned above is very simple yet it looks or feels so difficult we have to become one with ourselves again. We must unplug, switch off the TV and our cellphones. Take walks/ go hiking with our families talk to one another not text, meditate more, read books and aim to make other people successful, and if we do that, the business/our families will ultimately be more successful and rich in spirit. IF YOU SEE IT YOU WILL BELIEVE IT!!!

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